FREE e-book FOR YOU!

Caught in the Rush of Everyday Life?

Learn to Slow Down and Embrace the Moment with Mindful Photography.

The FREE Mindful Photography Playbook is designed to help you tap into the powerful, mindful nature of photography and is packed with easy-to-follow tips and fun photography projects.

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mindful photography tips

Hi, I'm Karin

Hi, I'm Karin

Are you ready to slow down, be fully present, and see the beauty in every moment?

I wrote the Mindful Photography Playbook to empower you to see the world in a new light and transform your photography practice.

You'll discover how to use photography as a tool for self-expression, mindfulness, and finding beauty in the everyday.

This Playbook Is Perfect for You Because:

  • You’ll learn to approach photography in a enjoyable, intentional, and fulfilling way.

  • It provides practical tips for photographers of all levels to discover mindful photography.

  • It’s a creative journey that helps you to connect with your world on a deeper level.

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